Restorative Parenting

Our Restorative Parenting® Recovery Programme is a unique, academically-validated approach to helping children overcome trauma and live successfully in a family environment.

The Restorative Parenting® Recovery Programme is an attachment-based, complex trauma-informed approach to treating childhood trauma. It is a time-limited programme that moves children aged 4-12 on entry through a process of recovery so that they can cope with a family environment, which is usually with long term foster parents or in a children’s home.

At Halliwell we know that our children have experienced trauma in the context of care giving, and we therefore treat their trauma through the delivery of safe and highly nurturing care. We use a positive psychology model to help us concentrate on each child’s unique skills, interests and strengths. We train our Therapeutic Parents and teachers carefully,  to ensure they deliver compassionate care that seeks to understand the children’s communications and needs and ensure children can experience safety, play, joy and success.

The progress of Individual children is monitored on a monthly basis through the Restorative Parenting® Recovery Index, as well as through additional normed psychological scales. Detailed discussion of children’s progress takes place at monthly consultations with a psychologist, and reflective practice is an essential part of everyday life.  Additional input is provided through Halliwell’s clinical team, which includes Clinical Psychology, Psychotherapy and Psychiatry, so that we rarely need to access NHS CAMHS services. These therapeutic services are the cornerstone of what makes the Restorative Parenting® Recovery Index so effective.

An essential part of our Programme is our Restorative Education, which uses a trauma recovery model to ensure all our children attain an accelerated level of educational attainment and reach a point emotionally where they can cope with a community school environment. Crisis intervention is a key part of making their learning a safe and hospitable environment. Our goal is to achieve the shift from trauma and attachment to emotional independence. 


As a Social Enterprise, our approach to children’s recovery is through the development of our staff. It is intrinsic to our mission to encourage all our staff to engage in continuous learning and development, which is why we provide a fully-funded academic pathway for all staff through to Level 7 qualifications.